Many countries look up to India for its traditional contributions in the fields of the Vedas, yoga, Jnana, and Meditation. A broad and extensive explanation of What is Yoga is required to understand its ability to impact physical and mental health in the most affordable way irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion among many other differences. Those who devote their time and energy to Yoga are very happy and holistic persons; they become indispensable members of their families and society.
Even as we know the immense benefits of Yoga, we often ignore it. As our Tamas Guna overpowers our mind, lethargy takes over and prevents us from doing the right action and effort. We may choose to spend at least 10 minutes a day in Sukhasana and 20 rounds of Pranayama every day.

The practices of core values of Yoga like Ahimsa, Santosha, Maitri, Karuna, etc. help us live in harmony.  All the objects of pleasure change, as our sensations in the body, are transitory, it is the mind that feeds on these Bhavanas that we cling on to permanency. What Yoga does is, it counters the Samskaras that have been accumulated and cleanses the body and the mind.

There are four pillars of Yoga; namely, Ahara, Vihar, Achar, and Vichar. Having a balanced Sattvic vegetarian diet helps Serotonin levels to increase thereby improving the quality of sleep and moods. The second pillar is the recreation that helps in boosting dopamine production making one feel good. The third being the routine, having a proper discipline in organizing our day helps us stay ahead of our time. The fourth being our thoughts and attitudes which affect our mental being.

Ashtanga Yoga, the eight sutras compiled by Patanjali; where the first four components can be categorized under External Yoga and the last four under Internal Yoga. The fifth limb Pratyahara acts as a bridge to the Internal and the External. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya and Aparigraha are considered as Yamas; that helps us excel by following social restraint. Saucha, Santosha, Tapa, Svadhyaya, Ishvara Pranidhana are the Niyamas that help us transcend the external. The third limb Asanas help us prepare the body free of any physical distractions and helps the mind move towards the Internal. The fourth limb Pranayama helps in regulating the breath and makes it easier to concentrate and meditate.   The fifth limb Pratyahara has both internal and external characteristics, as by the time one reaches this stage, withdraws one’s senses and moves inwards.

The Internal Yoga consists of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. In Dharana, thoughts are reduced and concentration is improved. When practiced for prolonged intervals of time, it reaches to the Dhyana, at which point there is the submersion of oneself within. The regular practice of Dhyana culminates into Samadhi, the ultimate blissful state of the Yogic path.

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