Find Angel Card Reading Courses in Mumbai

There are various angel card reading courses available in Mumbai. You can look for an angel card reading course in Mumbai on Life Positive website. Life positive provides a comprehensive list of various angel card reading classes, courses, seminars and workshops being conducted in Mumbai from time to time. It also lists down various well-trained angel card readers, trainers, therapists, and practitioners.

Angel card reading courses are provided by various institutes as well as by many individual trainers and practitioners. It is important to take angel card reading training from a well-trained and credible trainer.

What is the Avatar Course and Why you Should Take It

The Avatar course is a simple, easy and highly effective course that is based on the universal law that your beliefs in life cause you to attract the events and situations that you experience in your life.

The avatar course was first introduced in 1987 and has seen tremendous growth in recent years. The avatar course is a highly experiential course rather than an intellectual course. A trained avatar master can guide you effectively into the avatar lessons that are already present in your consciousness.

The avatar course is a 90-day self-empowerment training program that is delivered by a trained avatar master. It contains a series of experiential exercises that help you rediscover yourself and to align your conciseness with your goals in life.

Based on the truth that you and your beliefs are the most powerful force to create your reality, the avatar course is an essential life skill course that you must experience yourself. The avatar course will help you explore your own belief system and equip you with the tools and techniques required to create your own reality and destiny.

Learn The Game Of Mind With Neuro Linguistic Programming Training In India

We all pay a lot of attention to our physical bodies. We try and eat as well as possible, exercise and follow a good fitness regimen to stay fit and healthy. However how many of us recognize the power of our mind and hence the need to keep it healthy and strong. Did you know that regular training of the mind can make it and your entire being strong? As it is said ‘what a man thinks, he becomes. Neuro-Linguistic programming training literally teaches you how to think right! I cannot emphasize the importance of ‘thinking right’ in today's world enough.

This thinking right, however, is not on grounds of morality rather it is the thinking that allows you to achieve your highest potential by becoming the highest and best version of yourself.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) refers to your neurology, language and how that neural language functions. It refers to the language of your own mind. NLP is not only a set of tools and techniques but also an attitude and methodology of how to go about knowing your goals in life and achieving them.

Various NLP courses are available everywhere in India – both in-person and online. You can learn NLP through various institutes or even indusial professional NLP trainers.

Ever Tried Life Coach Training In New Delhi? It’s Miraculous!

The bane of our times is the lack of enough skills to live life well – to really ‘live’ and feel alive rather. All of us are going about our lives, even more so in a huge hurry now, with the current advancements in technology and information overload. Most of us do have various educational degrees but still lack life skills. Life coaching helps in developing life skills and is now available everywhere. Life coach training in New Delhi is easily available with the help of various professional and well-trained life coaches.

This, however, is nothing to be ashamed off or to be considered as a stigma. It is a very common problem for people to feel stuck in life and not being able to decide what course their life should take. Even if they are aware of what they want, not all of them are able to reach their goals.

This is where a Life coach comes into the picture. A life coach works as a friend, guide and mentors to help you see meaning in your life, by helping you set your goals (short term as well as mong term). A life coach then helps you define a clear path and steps to be able to reach those goals. Life coaching is a professional service available easily these days through professional coaches and everyone should take benefit of consulting a Life coach to empower oneself.

Access spirituality instantly!

In today’s insane world of technology and information overload, anything and everything can be accessed instantly. You can now have access to various kinds of spiritual products online also readily and easily. You must have in fact also come across a spiritual online store already.

Everything related to spirituality as well as religion is now available online. Spiritual products online range from crystal objects used in various alternative therapies, armlets, ankles, bead necklaces, crystal strings, spiral books, statues of deities, gemstones, worship and prayer accessories, healing crystals and stones and many other items. Various e-commerce marketplaces and online stores now stock all these and more goods related to spirituality. In fact, special spiritual online stores have now also opened up which deal especially only in objects related to spirituality.

What's good about spiritual products being available online is that almost everyone can now have access to these products. Many of these objects like crystal healing stones etc are still considered a niche. However, everyone can now have access to such objects in their path of spirituality.

How The Best Pranic Healers Perform Miracles On You

It is often asked ‘Does Pranic healing really work’? You would be amazed to know that numerous people have shared their fantastic experiences with Pranic healing and how it has helped and benefitted them in life. Pranic healing as an alternative healing therapy, in fact, has been miraculous for many. Besides resolving various mental, emotional and physical issues, some of the best Pranic healers have helped various people in their spiritual journeys in life.


What constitutes a miracle is subjective. For someone, simply getting rid of chronic pain in the leg or back maybe a miracle while for another there may be issues relating to marriage, parenting, business, career or money that may require resolution and would be considered a miracle if resolved.

Whatever may be the issues, Pranic healing works with your life force energy (Prana) and the universal life force energy and consciousness to resolve these issues. By balancing the mind, body, and spirit, pranic healing helps in promoting good health and well-being. 

Palm reading expert - This one person can change your life!

Almost all of us get excited with the option of being able to predict the future or knowing our future. A palm reading expert often understood as an expert in predicting the future is the go to person for such people. However it needs to be understood that a palm reading expert does not necessarily know your exact future and cannot predict the future. The future cannot really be predicted. However the best palmist does hold the power to change your life. This is because palmistry is a serious study and a palm reading expert can help you understand broadly the course your various aspects of life can take.

It is then up to you to whether to pursue those paths in your journey of life. However when someone tells us that a specific thing is going to happen we usually do expect it to happen and prepare for it or even take action for it to happen. For example someone predicts that it is going to rain today. Hearing this prediction you prepare for rain and carry an umbrella even before it happens, even though it might not really happen. You infact even start wishing that it rains even if there is no chance of rain.

This analogy applies to a palmist reading your palm and making predictions. You start hoping, wishing, visualizing and attracting those situations in your life that the palmist predicted and that you want. You also start resisting the negative predictions. The secret to changing your destiny lies in this ‘wishing’. If this wishing is not wishful thinking rather serious intention and positive affirmations, then you do hold the power to change your life and hence does the palmist! For more information visit:

Angel Card Reading: A means to connect our inner guide

Angel card readings provide an opportunity to connect with angel figurines to seek guidance and advice. Instead of numbers and suits; ange...